Saturday, December 12, 2009

Side Dish For Venison

I've been reading some articles on game programming using components and go that I was excited.

game engines such as Unity, TorqueX, Nebula 3 or CryEngine, can create objects from the GUI combining components, which greatly reduces the dependence on the programming and also better suited to the iterative design of the games.

This is achieved, instead of using class hierarchy, using composition.

This video elaborates:

There is good explanation in this article.

this type of development is known as data driven, as all game objects can be created by reading information from files.

For example, to create the player:
\u0026lt;Entity name="Player">
\u0026lt;component name="Mesh" file="player.md5"/>
\u0026lt;component name = "Position "x =" 0 "y =" 0 "z =" 0 "/>
\u0026lt;component name="Renderer"/>
\u0026lt;component name = "PhysicBody" />
\u0026lt;component name="PlayerController" camera="follow"/>
\u0026lt;/ Entity>

After seeing this and analyze the code push button engine is I got the idea to create a simple library for the language C + + (believe me I've searched but can not find any out there) to handle Entities. The idea is:

As you see in the image above, we would have the following lessons: (pseudocode)


class List {
\u0026lt;CEntity> EntityList; Bool
createEntity (char * name);
CEntity getEntityByName (char * name);}

class List {
\u0026lt;CComponent> ComponentList;
bool addComponent (CComponent);}

CComponent class: public
{/ / occurs when the component is added to the entity
OnAdd void () {

UpdateManager.add (this);}

onUpdate void () {}}

class List {
\u0026lt;IUpdate> componentList ;
onUpdate void () {

componentList.getFirst component = ();
while (component ! = Null) {

obj.onUpdate (); component = ();


We are saying that this would free you can create components in any of the libraries used today.

Render3D: Ogre3D / Irrlicht / DirectX / OpenGL
Physic: Physx / Newton GD / Havok / Bullet / etc ...
Sound: IrrKlang / FMOD / OpenAL
Number: OpenSTA / FSM

If anyone is interested in this would deliver or if you want help, you can contact me at marco_tmp.nospam @ Sure, you take it. Nospam. ;) Peter Molyneaux

Sunday, November 29, 2009

Does Pinguecula Go Away?

Communication Services and Public Citizen

How Long Do Mayo Packets Last?

Social Responsibility

citizen social responsibility is a philosophy that is fundamental pillars ethical and moral values \u200b\u200band whose primary effect is manifested in our actions and that way they can affect other people or a particular social environment.

In this context it is said of a socially responsible city to one that combines the balance between the economic, social, environmental and cultural aspects of local lifestyle, pursuing a better quality of life for the people, through focus participatory.

In this sense the quality of life, healthy living and prosperity must be set by all stakeholders in the local area.

These days we speak and write with some frequency on the social economy, corporate social responsibility, sustainable development, self-sustainability, fair trade and responsible consumption. All this terminology it contains in itself a great vocation to develop better consumption patterns and living in community. In our country there is progress on these issues in some respects more speed and still others with poor results.

Thus active citizenship is to be proposed to require employers and the production of environmentally sustainable goods and services from the beginning to the end of their useful life. This same citizenship at the time will be demanding their representatives laws that encourage a better quality of life in a sustainable environment. For this to happen is compelling citizen participation by building civic agendas local civil society . As is easy to understand this is not a task or two sector organizations. This is the common task of local actors with sufficient leadership to promote and generate the changes necessary to achieve a better life in every way. This local public agenda of society should be devoid of civil interests and whims of its own into the world of political parties. Devoid of partisan interests does not mean that these spaces do not make policy and that each time we propose to modify reality and its environment or bring about change in a community are doing politics.

Achieving peaceful coexistence and sustainable development in all aspects of citizen suit RESPONSIBILITY to do what must be done even without legal sanction. To improve the quality of the environment in which we live as responsible citizens need as many of these acts of community life will be controlled only by our conscience. In this sense of social responsibility these citizen actions will be strongly rooted in our territory to the extent that these shared values \u200b\u200bare internalized by all. To raise awareness of these issues will need to involve all stakeholders in the public space, schools, representatives of religions, clubs, professional associations, civic associations, senior citizens clubs, etc.

economic development, technology and current business leads to an increasingly globalized and interconnected to drag in his walk a countless number of inequalities in human, social and environmental. Clearly one can see how the benefits of growth manifest in terms of economic wealth and quality of life instead of social inequalities are presented in terms of exclusion and social marginalization. It is therefore necessary and imperative to seek and promote alternative models of development and seek new paradigms that promote a more balanced distribution of wealth and opportunities.

Promoting socially responsible cities require not only talent and leadership of local government officials and NGO leaders but also new legal instruments and legal questions involved to new forms of production and consumption, which also include all aspects of society knowledge that we are living.
Alcides Aguirre

Chronicler of the 3rd Sector
La Plata, Argentina

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Gemstones Dealers In Toronto

Local Development: Components

In May of 2008 I wrote some considerations and lines of action on local development in big cities . Since then, specialists and academics in our region were reported to enrich and deepen the material.
mentioned work can be viewed at: http://cronista3sector @

To move forward we will present the conceptual approach to the subject and is a definition of OECD.
The Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) suggests that local development can be seen as a process whereby a number of institutions and / or local people are mobilized in a given locality to develop, strengthen and stabilize operations using the best possible resources territory. "In other words, local development can be considered as an attempt from the bottom up of local stakeholders to improve the income, employment opportunities and quality of life in their localities.
local development in addition to thinking in the territory presupposes understanding the idea of \u200b\u200beconomic growth with social impact ie motoric growth that improved incomes
This time we discuss three basic components of this concept to its viability: COLLECTIVE IDENTITY


These components must always be present in greater or lesser extent. The lack of it threatens this methodology.

Collective Identity: It is impossible to work in local development if the population does not have identification or sense of belonging to the territory. In many villages of our country this feeling of belonging is very strongly rooted in the case of some large cities this sense of belonging is being diluted.
This relative lack of collective identity is most often in large cities, particularly in the creation of new municipalities.

Leadership: The methodology of multi-actor collective work requires a great deal of leadership. The same may be exercised by a community member (personal or institutional). We all have an idea about this issue and there is abundant literature on the subject. Undoubtedly
flags of prosperity, including development, protection of the rights of all, improved quality of life on an ongoing basis, improved labor and environmental conditions of workers, which requires flag embody these ideals. As well known there is no "social banners" no "flag" to make them and promote themselves.

Institutionalization: For significant progress in local development is essential to promote public-private partnership. As I have said on other occasions, the local development is not exclusively the work of the rulers. Civil society through their leaders has come a long way in promoting new methods of work may well serve to formulate a public policy. In this regard the establishment of advisory boards, roundtables, crisis committees, etc. is a very good start to go to strengthening the institutionalization will framework and support for all collective actions. This institutionalization will serve the multi-actor space to generate strategic (problems, priorities, objectives) and to work well in planning local, do their monitoring and evaluative bodies generate.
remember that more perfect than the reality is our planning always has the last word.
There are some scholars who claim that the scenario of the public, where everyone is a collaborative space interact at the confluence of the best ideas and projects in harmony. Those who have some experience in social participation we know that the stage of public is usually chaotic and contradictions in interests converge because of governmental, institutional and personal. In any case the ability of the leaders of these multi-actor spaces will find the synthesis of all these expectations for progress in the realization of what is best for the local community.

These three elements are what gives cohesion to the participatory local development level. Create the conditions for these elements are present in this planning is vital. The absence of these elements may well hinder this activity to make it disappear.
2009 will set the stage for strategies and set goals and targets for local leaders of each village and every city of Argentina
begin the path to improve conditions in their territories to strengthen the participatory management of local development. Expressed herein is only a guide for progress in this direction. In local development and implementation methodologies are no magic is made by walking. Consultant

Alcides Aguirre 3 rd Sector Chronicler @

http://cronista3sector Social NGOs President Brisa
La Plata, Argentina
Your comment, criticism or accession shall be very well received:

Thursday, January 22, 2009

Congratulate On Having A Baby

Local Development Large Cities

local development of large cities has been the subject of countless studies by local and international institutions.

To refer to this issue and its links with major cities of Argentina I will present some definitions that will help put us on the subject. Anyway, these approaches are always really cuts because each emphasizes different aspects, some economic, other personal liberties and other socially.

With the idea of \u200b\u200blocality we are mindful to "... a population (Human beings) on territorial proximity is linked by historical necessity or by choice to a particular geographic location. The dependence on the location can come from a shared attraction to the local culture, local employment centers, local natural resources or other facilities or services of the specific location. "(Dawkins, 2003).

In this regard and as an approximation we can say that "the aim of development is related to the valuation of the real freedoms that people enjoy in a given population ... The discussion of means and ends of development calls us to place the perspective of freedom in the center of the stage. People should be seen, under this approach, as active agents involved in the construction of their own destiny and not merely passive recipients of the fruits of development programs ingenious. "(A. Sen, 1999) Thus a larger includes aspects such as cultural needs and community identity and political decision-making in public policy making.

The Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) suggests that local development can be seen as a process whereby a number of institutions and / or local people are mobilized in a given locality to develop, strengthen and stabilize operations using the best possible resources of the territory. "In other words, local development can be considered as an attempt from the bottom up of local stakeholders to improve the income , employment opportunities and quality of life in their localities.

local development in addition to thinking in the territory presupposes understanding the idea of \u200b\u200beconomic growth with social impact ie motoric growth that improved incomes.

Following the report's analysis perspective the central axes of Local Development in Argentina, Mr. Daniel Arroyo in this paper will only reference to the first dimension on this issue of the six dimensions proposed by Mr. Arroyo.

The profile of development: "A community or territory, can only promote local development as they have a profile. Only local development when a locality has a profile where it goes. The first point to consider then is to try to assess what is productive economic profile locally. "Local development not only has to do with ideas and the economic feasibility mainly has to do with local identity. "The best strategic plan can fail if it has nothing to do with how people live there. Hence the development requires a strong local consensus of local institutions. "

With reference to the major cities in Argentina believe that in most cases has established a good dialogue between the local political authorities, universities and institutions representative of the site. While I say this also emphasizes the urgent need to communicate this properly to the public. We have a corporate communications of such joint work to overcome the barrier that many compatriots say "this is not for me." While in many cases this is so, I consider that is not communicating properly. In regional development and consider local institutional communication right as the leading strand can unite all stakeholders in the place for progress and prosperity.

This perspective can not ignore the regional integration with neighboring municipalities. Bounded ie this approach should be borne in mind so that you can define exactly the profile or profiles the city's economic planning object. Nor can it be minimized

proper planning of large cities in the international perspective. In this regard the contributions are not always monetary but always important. The international agencies based in Argentina and our Foreign constitute a contribution indispensable to the planning of such actions.

In some cases, progress in joint planning with the institutions of a place and its government were scarce and of poor quality. In most cases you can see institutional weaknesses and specific training. At this point both international cooperation and universities based in local areas constitute excellent tools to formulate and implement institutional strengthening plans. May also welcome the participation of NGOs in some cases have developed programs and strategies of such quality and effectiveness that have been taken as models for state management.

By tradition, history and identity of the great cities of our country have a strong cultural emphasis and in this sense should strengthen links with inbound tourism strategies to make this a high-impact local economic development. While our country due to exchange rate is having a great time tourist, not all cities are benefiting from this. In this sense we can say that human beings are not only tangible builder but also builds other creative forms which gives them a particular meaning which is expressed in a form and intangible heritage. This network of knowledge and cultural knowledge are a people. In this regard I would say that the big cities in Argentina have some logic and some magic. Logic in their thinking men and women, scientists, researchers, writers, journalists. Magic in the culture of its artists, dancers, singers, musicians, poets, writers. Properly exploit this knowledge and talents requires creativity and perseverance.

As a final consideration on the development of large cities is known by all the housing shortage facing our country and the shortage of long-term supply of credit in this context and taking into account the new ways of working that modernity generates good will have that if our big cities will soon be fully digital cities with wi-fi in all public buildings because they think the construction of digital neighborhoods. Ie living quarters with the necessary technological infrastructure to live where harmoniously combine work, leisure and family life. There are already experiences of this kind in some parts of the world. For digital neighborhood I mean a place that combines all the benefits of new technologies for telecommuting, use of video conferencing, e-learning center and training and all the comfort and convenience for leisure and recreation. These places must also be transformed into literacy centers digital incubators and technology companies. Argentina has a national digital agenda, among the eight priorities include digital literacy and teleworking.

With this in mind you need to see that development and prosperity of a place (on the theory of participatory management) is growing in the public space. This space is usually chaotic confluence and internal interests of local governments, institutions and their representatives and the media. It is in this area that should generate the necessary agreements to promote growth and prosperity.

the future, and not too distant future, which is knocking at the door, offers us joy and wellness with social inclusion. This is true as far as intelligently as we build together. In any case, the institutional challenge of our times is the leadership to do what they do and the proper administration of the talent of the inhabitants of large cities.

Cons. Alcides Aguirre

OSC Social Brisa

CCSC Argentina Chancellery


Chronicler 3rd Sector
Our total and permanent communication:

La Plata, Argentina, May 2008 Alcides