Sunday, November 29, 2009

Does Pinguecula Go Away?

Communication Services and Public Citizen

How Long Do Mayo Packets Last?

Social Responsibility

citizen social responsibility is a philosophy that is fundamental pillars ethical and moral values \u200b\u200band whose primary effect is manifested in our actions and that way they can affect other people or a particular social environment.

In this context it is said of a socially responsible city to one that combines the balance between the economic, social, environmental and cultural aspects of local lifestyle, pursuing a better quality of life for the people, through focus participatory.

In this sense the quality of life, healthy living and prosperity must be set by all stakeholders in the local area.

These days we speak and write with some frequency on the social economy, corporate social responsibility, sustainable development, self-sustainability, fair trade and responsible consumption. All this terminology it contains in itself a great vocation to develop better consumption patterns and living in community. In our country there is progress on these issues in some respects more speed and still others with poor results.

Thus active citizenship is to be proposed to require employers and the production of environmentally sustainable goods and services from the beginning to the end of their useful life. This same citizenship at the time will be demanding their representatives laws that encourage a better quality of life in a sustainable environment. For this to happen is compelling citizen participation by building civic agendas local civil society . As is easy to understand this is not a task or two sector organizations. This is the common task of local actors with sufficient leadership to promote and generate the changes necessary to achieve a better life in every way. This local public agenda of society should be devoid of civil interests and whims of its own into the world of political parties. Devoid of partisan interests does not mean that these spaces do not make policy and that each time we propose to modify reality and its environment or bring about change in a community are doing politics.

Achieving peaceful coexistence and sustainable development in all aspects of citizen suit RESPONSIBILITY to do what must be done even without legal sanction. To improve the quality of the environment in which we live as responsible citizens need as many of these acts of community life will be controlled only by our conscience. In this sense of social responsibility these citizen actions will be strongly rooted in our territory to the extent that these shared values \u200b\u200bare internalized by all. To raise awareness of these issues will need to involve all stakeholders in the public space, schools, representatives of religions, clubs, professional associations, civic associations, senior citizens clubs, etc.

economic development, technology and current business leads to an increasingly globalized and interconnected to drag in his walk a countless number of inequalities in human, social and environmental. Clearly one can see how the benefits of growth manifest in terms of economic wealth and quality of life instead of social inequalities are presented in terms of exclusion and social marginalization. It is therefore necessary and imperative to seek and promote alternative models of development and seek new paradigms that promote a more balanced distribution of wealth and opportunities.

Promoting socially responsible cities require not only talent and leadership of local government officials and NGO leaders but also new legal instruments and legal questions involved to new forms of production and consumption, which also include all aspects of society knowledge that we are living.
Alcides Aguirre

Chronicler of the 3rd Sector
La Plata, Argentina