Saturday, December 25, 2010

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citizen participation in the contest Alcaudete Crib organized by the Department of Education and Culture the Hon. Alcaudete City Council.

Jury Difficult task, since the large set of participants must be added the high quality of the cribs listed.

Castillo Family / Sánchez-Cañete has increased its traditional nativity scene every year and presented to the contest, adding a corner , as is the City of Alcaudete. In Paco Molina has housed as their home. In this way this family pays tribute to the late culture techniques and shows the great affection and respect that she receives. With this gesture reveal, in addition to their honor and remember the simile of the Council was to Paco, his own home. Thanks to this family by Paco's family will thank you forever.

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Alcaudete once again enjoy one of the most successful activities, such as the Theatre. Theatre Association of Alfacar Alimoge (Granada) developed three starters Cervantes represented very well located and with extraordinary professionalism. A large number of people attended, in spite of the night so bleak that he did. Alimoge be able to live with very funny moments, despite the distance in time from the starters represented. It should be noted his professionalism and great characterization, both in character and on stage.

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Monday, December 20, 2010

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Judged by encouraging her daughter and another child to escape from a protected center.

Pobra do Brollón

17/12/2010 - El Progreso (Lugo)

A woman with early ACM is facing a year in prison to convince his daughter and another girl to leave the detention facility where they were internal, located in Pobra do Brollón.

In the words of the letter of provisional findings of the public prosecutor, from the February 6, 2007, defendant made several visits to her daughter in a juvenile center of Brollón Pobra, where he was admitted after Xunta that took his tutelage.

In one such visit, she met another child and allegedly offered him fifty euros to leave the center with her daughter, "promoting and abetting the escape of two children," said the prosecutor. Finally, on March 14, 2008, the two girls left the center and the defendant picked them up in the poor and the capital moved to Lugo.

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Monday, December 13, 2010

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a case of sexual abuse in two kindergartens.

Dutch police have arrested a daycare provider for 27 years who have been sexually abused between thirty and fifty children (aged 0 to 4 years) during last year and a half. The suspect was advertised on the Internet as a babysitter at home, and acknowledged the incident to the police. Born in Riga (Latvia), has Dutch nationality and has already been investigated for two years without which might be cause for alarm. Her husband, 37, was also arrested for possession pornographic material. The couple married in 2004 and none had criminal records.

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The Program Families Contact ".

A decade and 176 foster care. Family service Acollida, began operations in Ourense in 1996, a year after the Red Cross set up this service in Galicia to offer children an alternative to other centers Wards of the Xunta. Since then 205 children have benefited from this average in 176 foster care made.

A bank with 65 homes arranged. Although the number of families willing to host undergoes constant changes, there are now 65 in the particular bank service.

in Ourense: Calle Diaz de la Banda, 40. The most direct way is to go to the Red Cross headquarters nearest to their place of residence, or call 988? 222? 484. But also in social services councils know and can guide them. You will also find the service on the web:

Friday, December 10, 2010

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A girl takes 6 months to 9 years in a Reception Centre in Vigo, while their parents fight for custody in court.

The judge dismissed the mother's custody after they had filed several complaints against her partner for alleged sexual abuse at the slightest

The girl's mother, sheltered by groups feminists. / / J. Martínez
U. Foces - VIGO is 9 years old and spent six months in a juvenile shelter in Vigo. Not that anyone wants, but his parents custody fight in court with a barrage of cross-complaints began six years ago. The Family Court No. 5 in Vigo closed yesterday the divorce proceedings custody of the couple and the girl, whose first meeting was held two years ago. The hearing was then adjourned for a psychological study that led, for six months in the detention of the minor influence away from its mother at the request of the prosecution.

La Voz de Galicia.

Thursday, December 9, 2010

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Fundamental Rights Agency of the European Union's Rights Agency

in 2007 created the Fundamental Rights Agency of the European Union, based in Vienna, by Council Regulation (EC) No 168/2007 of February 15, 2007 (OJ L 53 / 2 of 22.2.2007).

Respect for human rights and fundamental freedoms are the common values \u200b\u200bshared by all EU Member States. It is something which is also enshrined in Article 6 of the Treaty on European Union. "The Union shall respect fundamental rights as guaranteed by the European Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms signed in Rome on November 4, 1950, and as they result from the constitutional traditions common to the Member States general principles of Community law ".

The objective of the Agency is to advise the EU institutions and member countries on fundamental rights and its implementation in the EU legislation.

Main tasks:

  1. collect, analyze and disseminate objective and reliable data
  2. develop new methods to improve the comparability and reliability of data
  3. promote research on fundamental rights
  4. develop and publish conclusions and opinions on specific issues its own initiative or at the request of the EU institutions to promote
  5. dialogue with civil society to raise public awareness of fundamental rights.

The Agency can not consider individual complaints or set standards.

The Agency will work under a five-year program, agreed with the Council and European Parliament. His main priorities are the fight against racism, xenophobia and intolerance.

will work closely with other EU institutions, national agencies and civil society through the creation of a Fundamental Rights Platform.

The Agency has four organs:

  1. the Director, responsible for managing the day to day and develop and implement the annual work program;
  2. the Board of Directors, responsible for ensuring proper functioning of the Agency, project budget and work program, and subsequent monitoring their implementation;
  3. Council Executive responsible for assisting the Board;
  4. the Scientific Committee, which guarantees the scientific quality of the work of the Agency.

participate in the Agency's 27 Member States of the EU. Observers can also participate, in varying degree, the candidate countries (Turkey, Croatia, Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia).

The Fundamental Rights Agency succeeds the European Monitoring Centre on Racism and Xenophobia , created in 1997 by Regulation 1035/97 .

Observatory, which operated for ten years, provided the Community and its Member States with objective, reliable and comparable data on racism, xenophobia and antisemitism in the EU, to help them take action against these fenómenos.Estudiaba the scale and development of racism and xenophobia, and analyzed its causes and consecuencias.Para it had a European information network on racism and xenophobia (RAXEN), dedicated to gathering information nationwide. It also noted and publicized exemplar of good practice in this field.

Date of creation: 2007

Morten Kjærum

Schwarzenbergplatz 11 AT-1040 Vienna

Tel.: +43-1-580 30 60
Fax: +43-1-580 30 693

Internet: http://

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EU calls for improving procedures Child asylum

(EU) ENVIRONMENT-HEALTH tasks related to social support or shelter. The draft findings were sent to Member States in April, but today it has launched in Brussels the full report which highlights that the asylum-seeking children do not always receive the support they need as victims of abuse and their right to education, for example.
FRA Director Morten Kjaerum, said in a statement that "justice systems in Europe are designed for adults. Research indicates that there is still a long way to go before our justice system can meet really needs and rights of vulnerable children. "
The report shows that "children's basic rights are often violated" because, under the tutelage of the state, often live in housing that is not suitable for them as they are taken to a more adult or detention.

"Younger children should be in custody of adult relatives or in foster families of their own culture," he said in a statement to Efe FRA spokeswoman, Blanca Tapia.

also affects the document that should ensure the right to education and integration with children his age, so that calls on Member States to have a work plan that offers courses or language training.

The report highlights the need for "strict respect" of the rights safeguarded by Article 17 of Directive of EU return, which means "apply the detention only as a last resort and for the shortest time possible."

It stresses that children often "are unable to access quality medical care" and recommended that EU countries that they attend not only to verify your age and be told what is each test and what the results will have consequences for the processing of their papers.

also emphasizes that many separated children asylum seekers do not understand the legal procedures that are happening, so from FRA calls upon Member States to ensure both the right to translation and by the assistance of a tutor to guide them throughout the process. EFE

Read more at ABC

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

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One way to integrate

Opens in Lugo first home tutored youth emancipation

06/12/2010 - Sabela Corbelle / Progress (Lugo)

only learn how to manage and live on their own is the goal of every young but this good intention can become quite a problem if there is no supportive family behind him, or whether some causes or other, is unable to do it himself.



Sunday, December 5, 2010

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Saturday, December 4, 2010

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