Monday, February 28, 2011

Church Programsfor Anniversary

News release: "Stolen Children II."

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News release: "Stolen Children." Ombudsperson

Friday, February 25, 2011

Greeting Holiday Texts

Municipal Public Library "Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra, currently has two adult book clubs, one in Alcaudete and another in Noguerones. The Alcaudete book club, has launched a new form of participation, through the club's blog: .

This way of participating, is meant for all those people who can not attend the club sessions, held on Thursdays at 8 pm, but that in this way can to comment on the book read each month. In March, in particular, the book is: Mauritius or the primaries, by Eduardo Mendoza. For more information, please contact the library: 953560761 or

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Confirming Hernia Diagnosis


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The students of IES Salvador Serrano received yesterday the visit of 6 internal Jaén Penitentiary II, along with their managers. With this activity organized by the IES and the Therapeutic Module and the AMPA coloboración Jare, was pretended that the testimony of inmates live action aimed at students, creating a stronger cocienciación the danger of any substance addictions. They themselves had that with a little action, in principle out of curiosity, so far one can go. As passed in its various and diverse experiences, although the beginning of the way crime was different, the result always ends the same way. Broken families and lost everything valuable in life, such as reputation, family, work, friends, and even dignity.

Great expectation and excitement that children experienced Alcaudete with this activity, which is the second year takes place.
According to officials from both administrations was very positive for both groups, as the students lived something that seems to only happen in movies and inmates build self-esteem to feel valuable with their evidence to indicate " the way that you should never take"

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Butterfly Quotes About People


  • PAULA PEREZ - SANTIAGO The Department of Traballo and Benestar record last year opened seventy parents for repeated truancy of their children. Do not send your child to school is a criminal offense and may result from removal of the ward until, in the most severe prison sentences.
Read more .... Faro de Vigo.

Monday, February 21, 2011

Ecolab Lime Away Dishwasher Directions


Last Saturday was held as planned the day with the Second Meeting of Writers and Researchers Officers Southern Highlands County. Alcaudete Castle hosted the event which exposed 18 Communications with biographies of all the Comarca Sierra Sur. This activity had the opportunity to know more and best of all attendees. The biographies were widely scattered in time, with characters from 1516 to the most current, and Pablo Castillo Rueda Locubin.
The inauguration ceremony was conducted by the Deputy Provincial Culture and Sports, Yolanda Caballero, Mayor Alcaudete, Valeriano Martin Adsur president, Juan Peinado and president of Acisur "Juan Infante.

also counted with the Central Conference which followed the inauguration, by the doctor in history, José María Ruiz Povedano, "Alfonso IV Don Martin Fernandez de Cordoba and Velasco (1516-1558), a man of the English monarchy at the beginning of the Modern Age."

For his part, Officer Alcaudete chronicler, Antonio Rivas Morales held its communication with the lineage of D. Martin. Two communications were also part of alcaudetenses as Enrique Lopez Rios with the architect Francisco de Paula Lopez Rivera and Jose Luis Luna, which I the biography of Miguel Burgos Manella developed by Paco Molina.

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Ahillos Sierra Summit

Sunday, February 27, 2011

Departure at 9.30 am
Zagales Rotonda
Info: 953560761 -

Sunday, February 6, 2011

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II chroniclers MEETING

Alcaudete host the Second Conference of Writers and Researchers Officers of the District Local Sierra Sur. This activity will take place at Castle Alcaudete and according to the attached program.

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

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Municipal Public Library Miguel de Cervantes in the town of Alcaudete has been awarded in the latest issue of the campaign to encourage reading Maria Moliner, which is included as a the initiatives of the Plan for the Promotion of Reading Culture Ministry.

Specifically, the award received is motivated by the development of reading Alcaudete program, which promotes reading the entire population of the town through various activities. The award consists of a bibliographic item composed of 200 children's books, selected among the new books this year, valued at $ 3,000.

María Moliner campaign, directed to municipalities with fewer than 50,000 inhabitants, is a competition for sites of its kind to reward the best projects for the promotion of reading. The main objective is to reward those local libraries to carry out a project that encompasses activities to encourage reading, efficiency and library work, and the use of new technologies.

Alcaudete read program has been developing since 2005 and this year celebrates its sixth consecutive year. "The collaboration of the fabric of the city is a fundamental support for the development of this campaign," stressed the Councillor for Culture and Education, Yolanda Caballero. Among the highlights of this program include the tender love letters, different book clubs targeted to children, youth and adult or fiction and poetry workshops