Wednesday, February 2, 2011

What Is Life Expectancy Wegener's


Municipal Public Library Miguel de Cervantes in the town of Alcaudete has been awarded in the latest issue of the campaign to encourage reading Maria Moliner, which is included as a the initiatives of the Plan for the Promotion of Reading Culture Ministry.

Specifically, the award received is motivated by the development of reading Alcaudete program, which promotes reading the entire population of the town through various activities. The award consists of a bibliographic item composed of 200 children's books, selected among the new books this year, valued at $ 3,000.

MarĂ­a Moliner campaign, directed to municipalities with fewer than 50,000 inhabitants, is a competition for sites of its kind to reward the best projects for the promotion of reading. The main objective is to reward those local libraries to carry out a project that encompasses activities to encourage reading, efficiency and library work, and the use of new technologies.

Alcaudete read program has been developing since 2005 and this year celebrates its sixth consecutive year. "The collaboration of the fabric of the city is a fundamental support for the development of this campaign," stressed the Councillor for Culture and Education, Yolanda Caballero. Among the highlights of this program include the tender love letters, different book clubs targeted to children, youth and adult or fiction and poetry workshops


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