Wednesday, January 30, 2008

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MySQL is a management system database relational , multithreaded and multiuser more than six million installations. [ 1 ] MySQL AB develops MySQL free software on a dual licensing scheme. MySQL AB is part of Sun Microsystems since January 2008.

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MySql Use Cases Polymorphism

In Java, polymorphism methods implemented with method overloading, methods with the same name and same number and type of arguments .

A variable can also be polymorphic , ie change its form or class of object reference during the execution of a program. The polymorphism of a variable in Java is limited so that a variable reference to an object can only specialize, just as in real life.

Example polymorphism method sings and the variable foo

class Person {

private String name;

protected String cancion;

public void canta(){System.out.println("la la la");}

} //End Persona

class Ladron extends Persona {

Private int earnings;

sings public void () {System.out.println ("I have not been");}

robs public void (int n) {earnings = earnings + n;}

} / / End Ladron

Judge class extends Person {

Public void sing () {System.out.println (" I am the law");}

} / / End Judge

Poli5 {public class

/ / example of polymorphism sings message

public static void main (String args [])


fulanito Person = new Person ();

= new little thief Thief Thief ();

Judge Judge juececito = new ();

fulanito.canta () ; / / sing a person

fulanito = Little thief;

fulanito.canta (); / / sing a thief

fulanito.roba (100);

/ / error compilation: foo is a Person. Solution?

foo = juececito;

fulanito.canta (); / / sing a judge


} / / End Poli5

Restriction polymorphism Java syntax: change to subclasses or specialization.

static type Verification: compile time.

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UML diagrams can be divided into static (add a static view of the system) and dynamic (make an eminently dynamic vision system).

static diagrams:

· use case diagram

· Class Diagram

· Object Diagram

· Component Diagram

· deployment diagram


· state diagram

· activity diagram

· interaction diagrams:

or sequence diagram

Collaboration Diagram

use case diagrams.

The use case diagrams show the functionality of the system from the perspective that users have and what the system must do to meet the proposed requirements. Behavior can show a full or part.

basic elements used are:

  1. Actors: Are different users and the role it plays within the system.

  1. Case use: They represent everything that the user can perform within the

  1. Relations: To associate the elements.



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Inclusion (*)

(*) These two should also put the letters (include or exclude).


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EJB Container Annotations

With J2EE Enterprise JavaBeans components can be developed ( enterprise beans) can then be reused and assembled into different applications that have to do for the company.
component-based development promises a step in the path of object-oriented programming. With programming you can reuse object-oriented classes, but you can reuse components n greater level of functionality and even these features can be modified and adapted to each particular work environment without touching the code of the component.
At this moment we see a component as a traditional object with a set of additional services supported at runtime by the container components. The container component called EJB container and is like the operating system in which they reside. Remember that in Java there is a programming model called RMI remote objects. With RMI you can send requests to objects running in another Java virtual machine. We can see an EJB component as an RMI remote object that resides in an EJB container that provides a set of additional services.

Services provided by the EJB container

  • transaction management: opening and closing transactions associated with calls to the methods of the bean.
  • Security: Check access permissions to the methods of the bean.
  • attendance: simultaneous call to one bean from multiple clients.
  • Network Services: Communication between the client and the bean on different machines.
  • Resource Management: automatic management of multiple resources, such as message queues, databases or data sources in legacy applications that have not been translated into new languages \u200b\u200b/ environments and are still used in the company.
  • Persistence: data synchronization between the bean and tables in a database.
  • message management: Managing Java Message Service (JMS).
  • Scalability: ability to form clusters of application servers with multiple hosts to respond to surges in application load by simply adding additional hosts. Adaptation
  • deployment time: the possibility of modification all these characteristics at the time of deployment of the bean.

Performance of EJB components

The performance of EJB components is based primarily on the work of the EJB container. The EJB container is a Java program running on the server that contains all classes and objects necessary for the proper functioning of the enterprise beans.

In the figure below you can see a very high level representation of the basic operation of the enterprise beans. First, you can see that the client making requests to the bean and the server that contains the bean are running on different Java virtual machines. Even can be in different hosts. Another thing to note is that the client never communicates directly with the enterprise bean, but the EJB container provides a EJBObject to interface. Any request (a call to a business method enterprise bean) should be done through the EJB object, which calls the EJB container a number of services and communicates with the enterprise bean. Finally, the bean performs the requests for the database.

The EJB container is concerned with issues such as:

  • Does the client have permission to call the method?
  • should be open transaction at the beginning of the call and close it when finished.
  • Is it necessary to refresh the bean with data from the database?

high-level representation of the operation of the enterprise beans.

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In programming, a Java Annotation is a way of adding metadata Java source code available for use in runtime . Often used as an alternative to XML technology.

Java Annotations can be added to the program elements such as classes, methods, fields, parameters, local variables, and packages. Unlike tags added to the Java documentation and processed with tools such as XDoclet , Java Annotations are fully accessible to the programmer while the software is executed using reflection .

Annotations take the form of an interface declaration with a @ character preceding it, and optionally labeled with meta-annotations, as shown below:

 @ Retention (RetentionPolicy.RUNTIME) 
@ Target ({} ElementType.METHOD )

The annotations allow the programmer to declare its source code
how software should behave. This is an example of how the constructs
Declarative programming can be added to the procedural language.

Tuesday, January 29, 2008

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EJBs in JBoss

architecture EJBs in JBoss is based on the functionality provided by the java.lang.reflect package Proxy class (this class appeared in version 1.3)

Proxy class is a special kind that allows us to intercept a set of methods defined in an interface.

For a brief explanation see:

When we at JBoss, do a lookup or the Home Interface of an EJB Remote Interface, what we get in reality is a kind of proxy type that encapsulates the functionality of both interfaces. The image shown below explains a bit throughout this architecture (this image is obtained from the JBoss documentation)

arquitectura proxy cliente
All this saves us the trouble of having to compile the EJBs to create stubs and skeletons.

All invocations of the Proxy class methods are delegated on ClientContainer, which consists of a chain of interceptors (classes that extend class org.jboss.proxy.Interceptor to be real managers of the functionality). We can add or remove functionality by changing the chain of interceptors.

The only thing we can not eliminate is the last interceptor, which will be the efforts to communicate with the server. The last interceptor may be RMI, RMI in clusters, HTTP, HTTP in cluster, CORBA etc ... . On the server side, there will be a component (detached invoker) to speak with the client (invoker last in the chain) and we will contact the EJB container via the JMX MBeans server (the image is also obtained from JBoss documentation)
Arquitectura EJbs lado servidor

EJBs All of this architecture is coded in the configuration file:
\\ server \\ \\ conf \\ standardjboss.xml

can also change the configuration of this architecture to an EJB using the descriptor jboss . xml.

Tuesday, January 22, 2008

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EJBs in JBoss Application Server Refactoring

The refactoring is a technique from software engineering to restructure a source code, altering its internal structure without changing its external behavior.

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(Interceptor) Factories session to be recharged by events:

This will not reload the calls to the database:

@ Stateful @ Scope (SESSION)
@ Name ("bookingList)
@ Restrict (" # {identity.loggedIn} ") @ TransactionAttribute
public class implements BookingListAction BookingList, Serializable {


@ Factory @ Observer ("bookingConfirmed") public void
getBookings () {

em.createQuery bookings = ("select b from Booking b WHERE b.user.username = :username order by b.checkinDate")
.setParameter("username", user.getUsername())
public class HotelBookingAction implements HotelBooking

public void confirm()
facesMessages.add("#{messages.gracias}, #{}, your confimation number for #{} is #{}");"New booking: #{} for #{user.username}");
events.raiseTransactionSuccessEvent (bookingConfirmed ");}


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computer is in called application server to a server in a computer network running certain applications

Usually it is a software device that provides application services to client computers. An application server typically manages most (or all) of the functions of business logic and data access application. The main benefits of implementing technology application servers are centralized and reducing complexity in application development. Although the term applies to all software platforms, today the term application server has become synonymous with the J2EE platform of Sun Microsystems .

A common example of use of application servers (and their components) are Internet portals that allow companies to manage and disseminate information, and a single point of entry to the internal and external users. The basis of a server application, these portals allow access to information and services (like Web services ) securely and transparently from any device.

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Interceptors OOP (Object Oriented Programming)

The OOP is a programming paradigm using objects and their interactions to design applications and computer programs. It is based on several techniques, including inheritance, modularity, polymorphism, and encapsulation. Currently there are many programming languages \u200b\u200bthat support object orientation.

Objects are entities that combine state , behavior and Identity: The

  • state is composed of data, will be one or more attributes which are to be assigned specific values \u200b\u200b(data).
  • The behavior is defined by the procedures or methods that can operate the object, ie, what operations can be done with it.
  • The identity is a property of an object that distinguishes it from the rest, in other words, is the identifier (ID concept similar to a variable or constant ).

oriented programming object expresses a program as a set of these objects, which collaborate with each other to perform tasks. This allows the programs and modules easier to write, maintain and reuse.

Thus, an object contains all the information you can define and identify it to other objects belonging to other classes and even objects in front of the same class, can have distinct values \u200b\u200bin its attributes. In turn, object interaction mechanisms have called methods that promote communication between them. This communication helps to turn the state change in the objects themselves. This feature has to treat them as indivisible units, where no separate or be separated from the state and behavior.

methods (behavior) and attributes (state) are closely related to the overall property. This property features a class requires methods to treat the attributes with which account. The programmer should think alike on both concepts, without separating or give greater weight to any of them, it could produce the wrong habit of creating wrapper classes for information on one side and classes with methods that handle the first on the other. This will be conducting a camouflaged structured programming in a programming language object-oriented.

OOP features

  • Abstraction: Every object in the model system serves as an "agent" abstract work can inform and change its status, and "communicating "with other objects in the system without revealing how these features are implemented. Processes, functions or methods can also be abstracted as they are, a variety of techniques are required to extend an abstraction. Encapsulation
  • : It means bringing all the elements that can considered to belong to the same entity, the same level of abstraction. This may increase the cohesion of system components. Some authors confuse this concept with the principle of concealment, mainly because they often used together.
  • concealment principle: each object is isolated from the outside, is a natural module, and each type of object exposes an interface to other objects that specifies how they interact with the objects of the class. The insulation protects the properties of an object against its modification by a person not entitled to access them, only the object's own internal methods can access their state. This ensures that other objects can not change the internal state of an object in unexpected ways, eliminating unexpected side effects and interactions. Some languages \u200b\u200brelax this by allowing direct access to internal data of the object in a controlled manner and limit the degree of abstraction. The entire application is reduced to an addition or object puzzles. Polymorphism
  • : different behaviors associated with different objects can share the same name, to call them by that name is used for the object's behavior is being used. Or put another way, the references and collections of objects can contain objects of different types, and invocation of a reference behavior will produce the correct behavior for the actual type of object referenced. When this happens in "runtime", the latter feature is called belated allocation or dynamic allocation . Some languages \u200b\u200bprovide more static media (in "compile time") of polymorphism, such as templates and operator overloading of C + +. Heritage
  • : classes are not isolated, but interrelated, forming a hierarchy of classification. Objects inherit the properties and behavior of all kinds to which they belong. Organizes and facilitates inheritance polymorphism and encapsulation allowing objects to be defined and created as specialized types of existing objects. They can share (and extend) their behavior without having to reimplement their behavior. This is usually done routinely grouping objects and classes are in trees or trellises reflecting common behavior. When an object inherits from more than one class is said to be multiple inheritance, this feature is not supported by some languages \u200b\u200b(like Java).

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EJB3 ( JBoss)

is a JBoss Application Server J2EE of open source implemented in pure Java . Being based on Java, JBoss can be used on any operating system that supports it. Leading developers working for a services company, JBoss Inc., Red Hat acquired in April 2006, founded by Marc Fleury , the creator of the first version of JBoss. The project is supported by a worldwide network of collaborators. The revenues of the company are based on a services business model. JBoss

package implements all J2EE services.

The Enterprise JavaBeans (also known by its acronym EJB) is one of the API as part of standard business application building J2EE of Sun Microsystems (now JEE 5.0 .) Its specification details how the application servers provide objects from the server side are precisely the EJBs:

  • transactions concurrency control events using
  • JMS (Java messaging service) services
  • directory names and security
  • location of components in an application server.

The Enterprise Java Bean specification defines the roles played by the EJB container and EJBs, as well as having the EJBs in a container.

There are three types of EJBs:

  • Entity EJBs ( Entity EJBs): its aim is to encapsulate the server-side objects that stores the data. Entity EJBs have the fundamental characteristic of persistence :
    • container-managed persistence (CMP) the container is responsible for storing and retrieving object data structure through a mapping table database.
    • bean-managed persistence (BMP) entity object itself is responsible, through a database or other mechanism to store and retrieve data referred, therefore, the responsibility implement the persistence mechanisms is the programmer.
  • Session EJBs (Session EJBs ): manage the flow of information on the server. Customers generally serve as a front for the services provided by other components available on the server. There may be two types: stateful
    • (stateful ). The stateful session beans are distributed objects that have a state. The state is not persistent, but access to the bean is limited to a single customer.
    • stateless (stateless ). The stateless session beans are distributed objects that have no associated state thereby allowing it the access concurrently. There is no guarantee that the contents of the instance variables are retained between method calls.
  • message-driven EJBs ( Message-driven EJBs) are the only beans with asynchronous operation. Using the Java Messaging System ( JMS), subscribe to a topic (topic ) or a queue (queue ) and are activated upon receiving a message addressed to the topic or queue. Instantiation does not require client-side.

The EJB specification has evolved at the same time did the J2EE specification itself. Different versions that have existed to date are:

  • EJB 1.0: the original specification
  • EJB 1.1: the first included within
  • J2EE EJB 2.0, including J2EE 1.3, added the local interfaces and Message-Driven Beans.
  • EJB 2.1, including the latest revision of J2EE 1.4.
  • EJB 3.0: Now with Cluster and is included in JEE 5.0

There is a proposal for a review of the Enterprise JavaBeans specification, the EJB 3.0, which aims to simplify the deployment of beans without sacrificing power and flexibility.

The new EJB 3.0 specification simplifies the process of EJB creation and facilitates the implementation of persistence.

This specification will be available in the new version of J2EE JEE named 5.0.

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AOP (Aspect Oriented Programming)

The Aspect Oriented Programming (AOP) is a programming paradigm relatively recent whose intention is to allow adequate modularization of applications and enable a better separation of concepts. Thanks to the POA can encapsulate different concepts that make up an application in well-defined entities, eliminating the dependencies between each of the modules. This will get better reasoning about concepts eliminates the dispersion of the code and the implementations are more understandable, adaptable and reusable. Several technologies with different names are aimed at achieving the same goals and so the term POA is used to refer to various technologies such as adaptive methods , the filters composition, the subject-oriented programming or multidimensional separation of powers.


  • Aspect (Aspect ) is the function that crosses over the application (cross-cutting) that will be implemented in a modular and separate from the rest of the system . The most common and simple example of an aspect is logging (Event Log) into the system, since it necessarily affects all parts of the system to generate an event.
  • Jointpoint ( Crossing Point) is a point of execution within the system where a point may be connected, as a call to a method, throwing an exception or modification of a field. The aspect code is inserted into the flow of execution of the application to add functionality. Advice
  • ( Council) is the implementation of the aspect, ie, it contains the code that implements new functionality. Are inserted into the apliacción in Crosspoints. Pointcut
  • ( Cutting Points) defines Tips that apply to each crossing point. Specified using regular expressions or by patterns of names (of classes, methods or fields), and even dynamically at run time based on the value of certain parameters. Introduction
  • ( Introduction ) lets you add methods or attributes to existing classes. An example that would be useful is the creation of a Board of Audit to keep the date of last modification of an object through a variable and a method setUltimaModificacion (date), which could be introduced in all classes (or just some) to provide this new functionality. Target
  • ( Recipient ) is the recommended class, the class that is the subject of a council. Without AOP, this class should contain the logic as well as the logic of appearance. Proxy
  • ( Resulting ) is the object created after applying the Council to the recipient object. The rest of the application only need to support the Object Receiver (pre-AOP) and not the resulting object (post-AOP).
  • Weaving is the process of applying aspects to recipient objects to create new objects resulting in Crosspoints specified. This process can occur throughout the cycle Recipient Object Life: Aspects
    • Compile Time, you need a special compiler.
    • aspects at load time, the aspects are implemented when the recipient object is loaded. Requires a special ClassLoader.
    • aspects at runtime.

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TestNG is a testing framework for testing and working with Java and is based on JUnit (for Java) and NUnit (for. NET), but introducing new features make them more powerful and easier to use, such as JDK Annotations

  • 5 (Annotations) (JDK 1.4 is also supported with JavaDoc annotations).
  • flexible test configuration.
  • evidence to support data-driven testing (with @ DataProvider).
  • support passage of parameters.
  • Allows distribution of tests on slave machines.
  • powerful execution model (no more TestSuite).
  • Supported by tools and important and varied as plugins (Eclipse, IDEA, Maven, etc ...).
  • embed BeanShell allows for broader flexibility. Features
  • default JDK runtime and logging. (No dependencies)
  • Methods for testing dependent on application servers.

TestNG is designed to cover all categories of tests: unit, functional, end-to-end, integration.

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Java Platform, Enterprise Edition or Java EE (formerly known as Java 2 Platform, Enterprise Edition or J2EE up to version 1.4), is a programming platform, part of the Java Platform - to develop and run software applications in Java programming language with n-tier distributed architecture, based largely on modular software components running on a server applications. The Java EE platform is defined by a specification . Similar to other specifications Java Community Process, Java EE is also considered informally as a standard because providers must meet certain requirements pursuant to state that their products are compliant to Java EE , however without a standard ISO or ECMA .

Java EE includes several API specifications such as JDBC, RMI , e-mail, JMS , Web Services, XML , etc, and defines how to coordinate them. Java EE also features some specifications unique to Java EE for components. These include Enterprise JavaBeans, servlets , portlets (following the Java Portlet specification), JavaServer Pages and various web services technologies. This allows the developer to create an Enterprise Application portable between platforms and scalable, while integrating with legacy technologies. Other added benefits are, for example, that the application server can handle transactions, security, scalability, concurrency and management of deployed components, meaning that developers can concentrate More on the business logic components rather than low-maintenance level.

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EasyMock is a library useful for unit testing with JUnit (or derivative as TestNG). We use it to create anything ghost or mockery (mock) and to return a particular result for a specific input.

For example, if we want to test a service that needs a DAO to get information, we can create a ghost DAO (mock) to perform such function units and try to get rid of a unified service.

This is achieved based testing methods in checking the correctness of its internal code (white box testing).

steps required in each test:

- Need JDK 5 or higher.

- Preparing the Environment: import libraries TestNG and EasyMock in Eclipse: and .

- Creating the mock object.

- Reset the mock object.

- Except than it receives and returns that object. Your call is optional, but not the function call (it is clearer in the examples).

- Replay that prepares the object for testing.

- Call function that is going to prove (directly or indirectly, but the code must execute a mock object's method we have defined).

- Verify the mock object created.