Wednesday, January 30, 2008

New Effective Veet Wax Strips

MySql Use Cases Polymorphism

In Java, polymorphism methods implemented with method overloading, methods with the same name and same number and type of arguments .

A variable can also be polymorphic , ie change its form or class of object reference during the execution of a program. The polymorphism of a variable in Java is limited so that a variable reference to an object can only specialize, just as in real life.

Example polymorphism method sings and the variable foo

class Person {

private String name;

protected String cancion;

public void canta(){System.out.println("la la la");}

} //End Persona

class Ladron extends Persona {

Private int earnings;

sings public void () {System.out.println ("I have not been");}

robs public void (int n) {earnings = earnings + n;}

} / / End Ladron

Judge class extends Person {

Public void sing () {System.out.println (" I am the law");}

} / / End Judge

Poli5 {public class

/ / example of polymorphism sings message

public static void main (String args [])


fulanito Person = new Person ();

= new little thief Thief Thief ();

Judge Judge juececito = new ();

fulanito.canta () ; / / sing a person

fulanito = Little thief;

fulanito.canta (); / / sing a thief

fulanito.roba (100);

/ / error compilation: foo is a Person. Solution?

foo = juececito;

fulanito.canta (); / / sing a judge


} / / End Poli5

Restriction polymorphism Java syntax: change to subclasses or specialization.

static type Verification: compile time.


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