Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Boa Hamcock Nami Nico Robim

(Interceptor) Factories session to be recharged by events:

This will not reload the calls to the database:

@ Stateful @ Scope (SESSION)
@ Name ("bookingList)
@ Restrict (" # {identity.loggedIn} ") @ TransactionAttribute
public class implements BookingListAction BookingList, Serializable {


@ Factory @ Observer ("bookingConfirmed") public void
getBookings () {

em.createQuery bookings = ("select b from Booking b WHERE b.user.username = :username order by b.checkinDate")
.setParameter("username", user.getUsername())
public class HotelBookingAction implements HotelBooking

public void confirm()
facesMessages.add("#{messages.gracias}, #{user.name}, your confimation number for #{hotel.name} is #{booking.id}");
log.info("New booking: #{booking.id} for #{user.username}");
events.raiseTransactionSuccessEvent (bookingConfirmed ");}



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