Thursday, October 28, 2010

Online Ftv Mid Night Hot

Drawing Task 8 Featured Jobs T42S10

Plan of the Project

will develop a planimetric representation of the project, only line drawing lines and recovery. Each drawing will be presented on film.
The plans must account for the complexity of the project, taking into account the conditions of this space through their flat representation.

are asked to bring
A. PLANT ARCHITECTURE 1 / 100 or 1 / 75 The facility should include line thicknesses to account elements and their hierarchy. The plants should be drawn including the following: a) Items sectioned. Doors. Windows. b) Levels of soil. Stairs (arrow in the direction of climb). Ramps (as representation of an inclined plane). c) Uses identified with furniture, including outdoor furniture. d) Dimensions. e) axes. f) Projecting roof with dotted line and red, pointing to skylights and / or double-height spaces. g) Floors. h) Cut 1 / 50.

B. 1 Court represents 1 / 50
. The court must give an account of the proposed sites in the project as well as its role and program. And project levels will identify those volumes that are severed with a thinner line. The Court will notice the actual thickness of the material components.

C. 1 LIFT 1 / 50
. The elevation will notice the volumetric composition of the project, and represent their material only hatch lines. And project levels will be brought later volumes with a thinner line. openings and access will be represented.

NOTE: will be taken as a reference or 'representation guide' file


Wednesday 3 November. 15:00 hrs. Chapel.

Snl Fart Hort Commercial

- Task 7 Task 7 T42S10

David Iseckson

Pedro Pablo Contrucchi

Sebastian Marchant

Friday, October 22, 2010

Advantages Of Turboprop Aircraft

Topography and soil work

complicate the volumes are required in project development, from its relationship with soil or topography, seeking to establish a unpublished series of relationships with the place through deformation operations, overlap and repositioning of parts and components. Exercise

To build a model this volume 1 / 100 of the draft evaluation and only with silicone rubber.

The model will be photographed on 3 different surfaces in the home of each student, surfaces that generate distortions in the models. It is suggested to operate with cuts, cuts and stretching on the model of deformation mode, and reposition overlapping parts unpublished establishing relationships with selected topographies.

are asked to bring 1. Model of Goma Eva esc 1 / 100. We suggest using different colors.

2. Series of photos of the model chosen on each similar topography. (3 sets)
The photographs are in black and white, with an emphasis on lighting, excluding the frame elements do not correspond to topography or similar model.

3. Escaped Court esc 1 / 50 of the project site, material representations of place and photoshop project. The materials chosen should relate to the place of mimesis or antithesis.

4. Project views (2 outdoor and 2 indoor) on the landscape and its spatiality. Free technical. Delivery

Wednesday, 27 October, 15:00 hrs. Chapel

How Much Is A New License

Featured Jobs - Task 6 Task 6 T42S10

Pattern: Turtle

Pattern: Dragonfly

Pattern: Trout

Pattern: Dragonfly

Pattern: Reptile

Pattern: Turtle

Pattern: Zebra

Saturday, October 9, 2010

Toe Hurt After Pedicure

E xtrusion AND PROGRAM
are asked to bring:

1.Model in SCKETCHUP:

reframe is requested skin and to a model in Scketchup (strictly forbidden to use another program).
The model will be the result of free extrusion chosen pattern.
The model should account for three things: 1. Hierarchies .2 Relations program of full and empty and 3. Circulation Systems.

This should be framed in a system, ie obey a
set of rules, principles, ideas or things, which are linked by a criterion common and have a specific purpose

is important to consider the following before begin:

A: Framing the skin so that the area chosen explicitly account that this is a pattern.
An employer must be based on some of its meanings as "pattern of conduct", ie as a way of behaving that is repeated over time or in space. Also a pattern of behavior is something that can be taught and therefore is "repeatable."

The above, in the model, at least, there must be repetition of elements.
As a result of the project and order are the result of a system are guaranteed two things: that the project may, as living beings, to grow without losing its identity, ie without transforming growth in another being or other species. In this sense the project should answer the question of how to grow without transforming into another project, without losing unit, without ceasing to be a set? Two simple examples of this. On one side the tree, where branching system ensures the growth while maintaining the identity and the other the checkerboard system " which allowed the English colonizers to extend an identical manner to found cities across America, which, along with the language, became the largest colonial heritage.

B: Selecting the frame, do not go "against" the pattern oriented.

C: Al extruded, it is suggested: Organizing flat surfaces or depressions aiming at obtaining "a set of interdependent parts." Greater heights should not be less than 7 meters.

D: Assigning "titrations functions" NO! necessarily identify:


From 3D model is asked to perform a volumetric model free white cardboard base. Scale 1,100.

Escala1. 500


Isometric transparent colors to differentiate circulation and programs. Scale 1,200 (base model scketchup)


Scale 1,100. Plans, section and elevation.

Wednesday 20 October, 3pm. Individual corrections in computer.

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Replacement Casters For Baby Walkers

Ron Eglash on African fractals

Sunday, October 3, 2010

Is There End To Cubefield?

Travel International Workshop