Saturday, October 9, 2010

Toe Hurt After Pedicure

E xtrusion AND PROGRAM
are asked to bring:

1.Model in SCKETCHUP:

reframe is requested skin and to a model in Scketchup (strictly forbidden to use another program).
The model will be the result of free extrusion chosen pattern.
The model should account for three things: 1. Hierarchies .2 Relations program of full and empty and 3. Circulation Systems.

This should be framed in a system, ie obey a
set of rules, principles, ideas or things, which are linked by a criterion common and have a specific purpose

is important to consider the following before begin:

A: Framing the skin so that the area chosen explicitly account that this is a pattern.
An employer must be based on some of its meanings as "pattern of conduct", ie as a way of behaving that is repeated over time or in space. Also a pattern of behavior is something that can be taught and therefore is "repeatable."

The above, in the model, at least, there must be repetition of elements.
As a result of the project and order are the result of a system are guaranteed two things: that the project may, as living beings, to grow without losing its identity, ie without transforming growth in another being or other species. In this sense the project should answer the question of how to grow without transforming into another project, without losing unit, without ceasing to be a set? Two simple examples of this. On one side the tree, where branching system ensures the growth while maintaining the identity and the other the checkerboard system " which allowed the English colonizers to extend an identical manner to found cities across America, which, along with the language, became the largest colonial heritage.

B: Selecting the frame, do not go "against" the pattern oriented.

C: Al extruded, it is suggested: Organizing flat surfaces or depressions aiming at obtaining "a set of interdependent parts." Greater heights should not be less than 7 meters.

D: Assigning "titrations functions" NO! necessarily identify:


From 3D model is asked to perform a volumetric model free white cardboard base. Scale 1,100.

Escala1. 500


Isometric transparent colors to differentiate circulation and programs. Scale 1,200 (base model scketchup)


Scale 1,100. Plans, section and elevation.

Wednesday 20 October, 3pm. Individual corrections in computer.


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