Sunday, March 27, 2011

Black People And Yellow Eyes

Task 2 - Work Highlights

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Stars On Lower Stomach


Quote Alcaudete tunas, with which they try its value, and strengthen ties and can not be otherwise, have fun. Success for the organization and Alcaudete welcome to visitors.

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Beabie Knitting Pattern


Yesterday took place the visit of Minister of Economy, Science Innovation and Antonio Avila, new Alcaudete Capi agencies at the invitation of the Association of Women Lavender Flower , for his inauguration. While the Association takes three years to implement projects of counseling, the latter given by over 66,000 euros will be held in another location, located in the Plaza de la Constitución, 3.
counselor, also accompanied by other provincial and local authorities as the Government Delegate, Philip Lope, the Delegate of Economy, Science and Innovation Manuel Gabriel Perez, the mayor of Alcaudete, Valeriano Martin and accountable councils. Purification
Delgado, president of the Association of Women Lavender Flower was responsible for display and inform the director of the Center's history, amount of Incentives Counseling, number of users, amount and quality of projects implemented and running current, to what was keen to express his gratitude for the work of the center, rated excellent, very good value for money at the same time interesting. During more than an hour-long visit, people using the Centre, visitors and the Chief mingled experiences, suggestions and concerns to cocluir with a fond farewell and much success predicting the Centre.

Monday, March 21, 2011

Film En Streaming : Fur

Interstitial Space Task 2 _ _ The Conference

Interstitial Space _ The Mask

Introduction: As defined by the Royal Academy of Language, mascara is a figure representing a human face, animal or purely imaginary, with which a person may cover their faces to avoid being recognized, making the appearance of another stage or practice certain activities or rituals. The root meaning of the word "mask" is rooted in the masque French Maschera in Italian Mascara English. Possible ancestors in Latin (non-classical) are Mascus , chew = ghost, and maskharah Arabic = 'jester', 'man with a mask. "

From the point of view of architecture has often been associated with the reading of the facade as a mask of architecture, understood as a filter or as an interface between the body and the natural and urban landscape. The front-interface, like the mask, can be translated into multiple appearances and be finally skin while active, interactive and sensitive. Like a mask, candle architecture facade and reveals the many contradictions of the building, and in the case of the mask, the body itself. Understanding not only as a frontal facade representative but also as an interface, allows us to understand, like the mask, as a gap between the interior and exterior.

said all this, from the conceptual point of view, building the challenge mask building a diffuse boundary to ensure and disclose and to negotiate the interior and exterior. At the time commitment, the embodiment of this concept requires geometric challenges, structural and similar construction to the building and therefore, total relevance to the objectives of the workshop.

Objectives. The main objectives of the next financial year are 3:

1. Synthesize design problems identified in Exercise 1 in the construction of a new interstitial space.

2. Propose an interface that qualifies the space between interior and exterior stressing or emphasizing some of the ways

3. Hierarchies by stress a feature


mask is requested to construct a scale 1 / 1, which embodies the relationships and problems observed in the reference discussed in Task 1.

will work interstitial space issues through formal qualities, materials and space observed, such as:

geometrical construction. Resistant form. Distribution of Matter. Distancing. Tightness or permeability. Resistant Elements - Elements Soft. Value of full and empty. Inner surface - outer surface. Texture. Color. Brightness. Transparency. Lighting conditions.

The Mask exalt one of the senses through modification operations as, for example, you can amplify your voice, or sharpen the ear generate intentional view, create cross ventilation, etc.

The Mask is built with materials found or free choice of students.

Topics Work:

Mask Ratio head / face.

Support, distancing, openings.

Leveraging one of the senses of perception .

Delivery: In groups of 2.

1 Mask esc 1 / 1 +

vertical statement in ½ sheet (55 x 77cm):

Plant Cuts and elevations of the Mask. esc 1 / 1.

Sequence of photographs showing the view through the mask.

Sequence of photographs showing the operations to exalt one of the senses.

Sequence of photographs showing the mask over his head.

Sequence of photographs showing the mask on a flat surface.

Delivery: Thursday 24 March. 15.30 hrs. Refectory. Punctuality is required.

Soul Eater Doujin English


Saturday saw the first Alcaudete Crumbs Contest organized by the Sports ADV Asocialción Alcaudete and with the collaboration of the Department of Culture, Hon. City Council and a number of collective and private entities.

great success of participation in the fair and very difficult task to determine the higher-quality product. The jury in this situation chose to give a first prize for the crumbs shared Natalia López Baena, along with Sonia Flores Maya. Second, and also shared for María Gallardo Jimenez and Sergio Garcia Cano .

What Does The Cervix Look Like


Last Friday
P. Schools Juan Pedro Rafael Aldehuela and attended a matinee movie at the premises of Cervantes de Jaén area courtesy of the Provincial Culture. The film was projected "The Wolves".
were received by Deputy Culture and Sports, Yolanda Caballero, who were welcomed to the meeting and invited them to enjoy the projection, as well as to take a positive message between nature and civilization.
Movie shot in Andalusia which combines nature and survival with an important sentimental plot. The children enjoyed the film in which he also received a message of sustainability and respect for the environment important.

Recipe Calculator Diabetic


Last Thursday saw the official inauguration of Higher Level Training Course Systems of Automatic Regulation and Control "in IES Salvador Serrano. This event was attended by the Provincial Delegate of eduacion Ms Maria Angustias Rodriguez, the mayor of Alcaudete D. Valeriano Martin, Councillor of Education, Ms Yolanda Caballero as well as some more local authorities, which were always accompanied by the director of the Center, Ms. Ana Maria Hidalgo and teachers of that cycle. Emotive words from teachers who have struggled for several years to complete this family of Vocational Training, the view that it was a reality. Similarly, the center director expressed his satisfaction for hosting in the IES Alcaudete a training cycle there are only 10 more in Andalucia.

In the same act and acontinuación, followed the awards for projects submitted by different groups and invidual category presented by students of the Centre. Many projects have been training cycles in the two families that are taught (Administration and Technology), which have been recognized by the Junta Andalucia, and one of them has obtained European recognition, whose owner is Maria Dolores Molina Aranda with SOUTH PELLET, S L.