Monday, March 21, 2011

Film En Streaming : Fur

Interstitial Space Task 2 _ _ The Conference

Interstitial Space _ The Mask

Introduction: As defined by the Royal Academy of Language, mascara is a figure representing a human face, animal or purely imaginary, with which a person may cover their faces to avoid being recognized, making the appearance of another stage or practice certain activities or rituals. The root meaning of the word "mask" is rooted in the masque French Maschera in Italian Mascara English. Possible ancestors in Latin (non-classical) are Mascus , chew = ghost, and maskharah Arabic = 'jester', 'man with a mask. "

From the point of view of architecture has often been associated with the reading of the facade as a mask of architecture, understood as a filter or as an interface between the body and the natural and urban landscape. The front-interface, like the mask, can be translated into multiple appearances and be finally skin while active, interactive and sensitive. Like a mask, candle architecture facade and reveals the many contradictions of the building, and in the case of the mask, the body itself. Understanding not only as a frontal facade representative but also as an interface, allows us to understand, like the mask, as a gap between the interior and exterior.

said all this, from the conceptual point of view, building the challenge mask building a diffuse boundary to ensure and disclose and to negotiate the interior and exterior. At the time commitment, the embodiment of this concept requires geometric challenges, structural and similar construction to the building and therefore, total relevance to the objectives of the workshop.

Objectives. The main objectives of the next financial year are 3:

1. Synthesize design problems identified in Exercise 1 in the construction of a new interstitial space.

2. Propose an interface that qualifies the space between interior and exterior stressing or emphasizing some of the ways

3. Hierarchies by stress a feature


mask is requested to construct a scale 1 / 1, which embodies the relationships and problems observed in the reference discussed in Task 1.

will work interstitial space issues through formal qualities, materials and space observed, such as:

geometrical construction. Resistant form. Distribution of Matter. Distancing. Tightness or permeability. Resistant Elements - Elements Soft. Value of full and empty. Inner surface - outer surface. Texture. Color. Brightness. Transparency. Lighting conditions.

The Mask exalt one of the senses through modification operations as, for example, you can amplify your voice, or sharpen the ear generate intentional view, create cross ventilation, etc.

The Mask is built with materials found or free choice of students.

Topics Work:

Mask Ratio head / face.

Support, distancing, openings.

Leveraging one of the senses of perception .

Delivery: In groups of 2.

1 Mask esc 1 / 1 +

vertical statement in ½ sheet (55 x 77cm):

Plant Cuts and elevations of the Mask. esc 1 / 1.

Sequence of photographs showing the view through the mask.

Sequence of photographs showing the operations to exalt one of the senses.

Sequence of photographs showing the mask over his head.

Sequence of photographs showing the mask on a flat surface.

Delivery: Thursday 24 March. 15.30 hrs. Refectory. Punctuality is required.


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